For rising country star Kacey Rae, the inspiration behind her highly-anticipated debut single "Small Town Sunrise" flows straight from the dusty backroads and endless blue skies of her tiny Texas hometown.

Small Town Sunrise is about a young woman with big dreams and hometown roots breaking out onto the music scene.

"I poured so much of my own story into this song," Kacey shares. "Growing up in a one-stoplight town, I had these huge ambitions to make it big in country music from a very young age. But I also deeply loved the simplicity, safety and sense of belonging that came with small town life."

Where You Can Find Kacey Rae

Full Lyrics - Small Town Sunrise

Just a speck of dust upon a wide open plain

A small town girl with a dream too big to contain

Days that whisper of a past so sweet

Dreaming of a world where I can compete


Every dawn in this town lights in me a fire

Driving me, day by day

higher and higher


Oh, I'm searching for a sign, a guiding light

To lead me through this darkest night

In this small town, where memories thrive

I'll find my way, I'll come alive (come alive)


I can hear the trucks passing on the county road

Another harvest's being sowed

I'm stuck staring at these ol' back roads

Roads I've cruised a hundred times

Roads that can’t hide the childhood crimes

This small town sunrise, it's in my veins

But I know a wider world's calling my name


Oh, I'm searching for a sign, a guiding light

To lead me through this darkest night

In this small town, where memories thrive

I'll find my way, I'll come alive (come alive)


Perhaps this eager wind is set to sail,

To new beginnings, where I will not fail.

No longer shackled by my fear and doubt,

it’s time to let my song out

'Cause deep down I've known all along

As much as I love this town's simple song

The melodies inside me are meant to go far beyond

[Final Chorus]

Oh, I'm searching for a sign, a guiding light

To lead me through this darkest night

In this small town, where memories thrive

I'll find my way, I'll come alive (come alive)

This small town sunrise, it's in my veins

But there's a wider world's calling my name (calling my name)

In Depth Look At Rae's Debut Country Music Song- Small Town Sunrise

The first verse opens with the vivid lyricism and rural imagery that has become Kacey's trademark: "Just a speck of dust upon a wide open plain / A small town girl with a dream too big to contain." She reminisces about sweet childhood days dreaming of a bigger stage, dreams initially dismissed as a "small town sunrise" delusion.

But those dreams burned intensely with each new dawn. "Every morning watching that sun come up over the wheat fields behind my house, I felt this intense fire inside driving me to work harder to climb out of my circumstances," Kacey explains of the soaring pre-chorus. "Those sunrises represented a new chance to push towards my goals."

Kacey Rae's Small Town Sunrise

The anthemic hook crystalizes Kacey's determined mindset: "I'm searching for a sign, a guiding light / To lead me through this darkest night / In this small town where memories thrive, I'll find my way, I'll come alive." Her powerful vocals convey the duality of adoring her hometown's nostalgic charms while desperately yearning for an escape hatch to something larger.

The second verse zooms in on those oh-so-familiar small town sights, from the rumbling trucks on the county roads to the harvesting of the season's crops - traditions Kacey is still inextricably tied to despite her bigger ambitions. "I called out those classic rural images because they so vividly represented the confinement I felt," she says. "I dreamed way beyond those back roads I'd cruise as a kid."

But the soaring bridge marks Kacey's courageous decision to abandon her self-doubts and pursue her artistic destiny: "Perhaps this eager wind is set to sail / To new beginnings where I will not fail...It's time to let my song out."

In Kacey's Words

"Writing 'Small Town Sunrise' was my declaration to myself and the world - I have to take this chance, because the music inside me is meant for something bigger," Kacey shares. "It's an anthem for anyone ever being told their dreams are too lofty for their zip code."

With its a perfect blend of nostalgic rootsiness and profound dreams of escapism, "Small Town Sunrise" sends a clear signal - Kacey Rae may have been raised amid the wheat fields of rural America, but her untamed talent and tenacious spirit were always destined to illuminate the biggest stages country music has to offer.

Richard Sutherland

Richard is a western lifestyle author for Bits N' Spurs, the weekly newsletter that keeps pace with today's rodeo. His articles are featured on dozens of rodeo and Western related websites and provide a window to the world of cowboy culture.

country music